Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Final Exam

I just took a final exam last Friday.  To be honest I wasn't quite confident but I got a pretty good score a B+ which is okay (not the best).  I took my science test today and I hope that I did good on that because I really need to to get my grades back up to an A average.  Im not confident in this one either and I'm hoping to get a B- or higher.  Finally we didn't have ANY homework today!  If our final social studies project goes well we won't take our final test (not exam) tomorrow! 

The Final Countdown

Im going to start counting off days till summer break.  Right now.... 3

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Almost the end of the School Year

The school year is almost over only 7 more days! I know for a fact that I will not ask out my crush but then again I am not sure I might. I recently got into Clash of Clans and I really just cant wait until the school year is over yesterday was a very bad day for me as there was just a series of bad things going on, but thats another post. Did I mention that the school year IS ALMOST OVER!!!!! There's so much that I plan to do this summer which I probably so won't get it done anyways but who cares I'll be free of responsibilities for 3 months. Again I might ask out my crush who we call AT&T as a code word. That's actually about it the OAAs went pretty good. But wait I have a final exam for algebra on Friday and a huge science test coming up Tuesday. Again I'm just to excited. I hope all of you have a nice summer break too! (If you are getting one).